A Journey Back to the Heart of My Mission

A Journey Back to the Heart of My Mission

Dear Friends and Followers,

It's been a while since I last reached out through our blog, and for that, I sincerely apologize. The silence wasn't planned, but it became necessary—a time for me to reboot, to rediscover myself, and to reaffirm my place in Christ Jesus. Today, I want to share this journey with you, not just as an update, but as an invitation to reflect on your own path and relationship with God.

In a Hostile Foreign Land

Like many of you, I've felt the weight of living in what often feels like a hostile foreign land. The pressures, the noise, and the constant tug of worldly ways have a subtle, yet powerful, ability to lead us astray. I found myself succumbing to these very pressures, forgetting that my true identity lies not in the roles I play here on Earth but in my service to Christ.

Rediscovering My Role as a Warrior in Christ

The realization hit me hard—I am, first and foremost, a warrior in Christ, an ambassador of God's Kingdom. But what does it mean to be an ambassador? It means representing and upholding the values of God's Kingdom, even, and especially, when they conflict with the ways of the world. It's a reminder that my work, including my woodworking, is not just a profession but a calling to serve Jesus first and foremost, every day of the year.

The Struggle and the Reawakening

Admitting I had veered off course wasn't easy. I found myself trying to blend into the world, forgetting the King I serve. But Jesus, in His unwavering patience and love, reminded me that His mission for me remains unchanged. The completion of our goal to give away 500 crosses was a testament to His provision, a project I embarked on with faith but not without trepidation.

A Call to Rededication

Jesus's call to the rich man in Matthew—to sell everything, give to the poor, and follow Him—resonated with me anew. It's a radical invitation to trust and obedience, one that I've accepted once more, even if it means letting go of everything I own. This morning, a passage from 2 Thessalonians 3 offered me clarity on what life as a follower of Christ entails in this 'foreign land.'

An Invitation to You

This journey, while deeply personal, is not mine alone. The invitation to walk in close relationship with Jesus, to dedicate your life to His Kingdom, is open to all. It begins with understanding who you are and why you're here, then seeking God's wisdom and inviting Jesus into your heart.

Matthew 6:33 reminds us to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." It's a promise that God knows our needs and will provide when we prioritize His Kingdom.

Moving Forward

As I realign my life with this mission, I invite you to join me. Reflect on your identity in Christ and consider what it means to live as an ambassador of His Kingdom in this world. If you're struggling or feeling lost, know that the path to rediscovery is always open, and it starts with turning to Jesus.

Thank you for your patience, your support, and your prayers during this time of reflection and renewal. I'm excited to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose, and I hope you'll continue to be a part of this journey.

In His service,

Rick & Lori

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