
Pay it Forward Help Make it possible for us to continue to Bless Others with a Gift of a Cross

Join Us in Extending God's Love Through Our Mission

We invite you to be a part of our heartfelt mission. If you feel moved by God's calling, we welcome your support to continue sharing the blessing of the Cross with those in need. Your generous contributions enable us to gift these symbols of faith and hope to individuals who might not otherwise have the means to obtain one.

How You Can Contribute:
A minimum donation of $5.00 is all it takes to start, but any amount above this is gratefully accepted and will be used to further our mission. Every dollar allows us to reach more individuals, particularly those touched by cancer, and other illnesses undergoing treatment, and facing financial hardships due to healthcare expenses. Our mission also extends to anyone who finds the cost of a cross beyond their reach.

Our Growing Vision:
God has expanded our horizons with a vision grander than we ever imagined. Having reached our initial goal of distributing 500 crosses, we feel called to continue this journey. The Lord's work through us is far from over, and with your support, we can keep spreading His love and comfort to more hearts.

In Scripture, We Find Guidance:
2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us, "Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." And in Luke 9:23, we are called to "take up our cross daily and follow" Jesus, embodying His spirit of selflessness and compassion.

Your support is more than a donation; it's a partnership in spreading God's love and light. Together, we can make a significant impact in the lives of many.

God Bless You,

With Love and Gratitude,

Rick & Lori

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LMA Woodworking

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At LMA Woodworking, we understand the pain of brokenness and the feeling of being lost. We're on a mission to mend 2,000,000 hearts with the healing power of God's Word and love. We're not just a business; we're a loving family, here to inspire hope and faith in those who've been through tough times. Join us on this journey of transformation and belonging, where brokenness is mended, and the lost find their way to a loving, supportive community.

Watch our video making of the cross.

Personalized Live Edge Walnut Charcuterie Board: Embrace Imperfection and FaithPersonalized Live Edge Walnut Charcuterie Board: Embrace Imperfection and Faith